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Be part of a community of people who share your interests. In a day and age when we’re bombarded with thousands of messages and brands every day about buying more and consuming more, it does our hearts good to hear joyful stories of generosity as well as thoughtful reflections on how to leverage our resources.

Listen to the Podcast

Generous Asians podcast

The first season of the Generous Asians podcast is on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, and in the archive here. Listen to the conversations with co-hosts Jefferson Lee and DJ Chuang as we explore a wide range of aspects regarding generosity: the heart, effectiveness, strategies, the benefits, stories, the opportunities, practical how-tos, and more.

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Please choose your favorite way to connect at djchuang.com/contact and DJ will be happy to respond!

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cultivating generous hearts by freely sharing ideas and stories about generosity, empathy, and strategic philanthropy in a multiethnic world


strategist / connector / ideator / facilitator of Journey of Generosity / director of Christian Asian Mental Health camh.network / author of MultiAsian.Church / more at djchuang.com